Violence Prevention & Security for Practice Managers


A comprehensive course designed to help you build a sustainable violence prevention and mitigation program for your practice.


Register Now & Get FREE Access to the Violence Prevention & Response for Ambulatory Staff Course - a $95 Value!


The Essential Course for Practice Managers & Leadership

Here at HSI, we know that you and your colleagues face the challenges of keeping your practice safe from violence and other security risks in addition to your other clinical and staff leadership obligations. That’s why we designed this course- to give you the essential tools, strategies and tactics that you can employ right away to help prevent and mitigate violence while enhancing your overall security posture.

You don’t need any formal background in security or violence prevention to benefit from this course. From the basics of physical security to handling potentially violent patient and employee situations, this online, on-demand course will empower you with actionable tools that you can immediately deploy to improve the safety of your staff and patients.  


What You’ll Learn

  • Foundations of Violence Prevention - The necessary elements that need to be in place for a successful program.

  • Violence Risk Assessment - How to assess your own practice from top to bottom for the potential for violence.

  • Physical Security - The key concepts to understand in order to enhance your overall security posture.

  • Violence Prevention Training - A plan to keep you and your staff trained and ready to prevent and mitigate violence.

  • Potentially Violent Patient - Strategies that can be applied to any situation where there’s a potential for patient violence.

  • Employee Violence Prevention - From pre-employment to adverse actions, how to keep your practice safe.

  • Security Services - Key considerations when thinking about engaging internal or external security services.

  • Law Enforcement Interactions - How to build and manage the relationship with your local police department.

  • Firearms and Weapons - How to set and communicate policies and procedures that are sound and enforceable.\

  • Emergency Preparedness - The basics of preparing for worst-case scenarios involving violence.

  • Planning Next Steps - Your roadmap for rolling out your lessons learned to improve the security of your practice.


Customized Training for Your Unique Role

While other violence prevention and security courses seek to cover all types of roles and environments, this course is designed specifically for the challenges you face in your role within an ambulatory/outpatient site setting.

Unlike a large or community hospital setting, ambulatory and outpatient sites have less resources at hand to manage safety, security and violence. Typically, there is limited or no security staff or security support at these sites and the responsibility for security and safety from violence instead falls upon practice leadership.

Without the proper training and skills, it’s difficult to fill or bridge the gap created by your limited access to security resources. That’s why we developed this course just for you - to arm you with lessons that you can immediately apply at your practice.

This course is designed with your busy schedule in mind. We know that competing priorities as a practice manager often leave little time for training. That’s why most of the course lessons are divided into short, easy to understand sections- most of which take 10 minutes or less to complete. Start the course when you have time and pick up where you left off anytime.


Who Should Take This Course?

Whether you are a seasoned practice manager, a director responsible for multiple practice locations, or a healthcare security professional, you can benefit from this course.

Ambulatory and outpatient sites are unique and you can’t simply apply the same strategies from a hospital setting to these locations. Our approach to security and violence prevention is tailored to your environment.

Anyone in a leadership role at your site or in a position that is responsible for the safety and security of your site (or multiple sites) can benefit from this training.